iTrashTV Video Vault: August 2006

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Terror In The Sky - 9/11

The World Trade Center was first a target for terrorist in February 26,1993, when Ramzi Yousef Bombed the parking garage. But the events of 9/11 over shadow what happened 8 years earlier. This short Video features scenes from the 1993 bombing and 2001 terrorist acts at the World Trade Center and Security Camera at the Pentagon. Includes a Timeline from 9/11 as it unfolds. See Bush and his slow reaction after hearing the news, while in Florida mentoring kids in reading at a middle school. Multiple Camera Angles from September 11, 2001. Added Sound Bites from George Bush, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Ronald Reagan and George Bush Senior.Get a short history lesson in 10 minutes.